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Medical Physiology Principles for Clinical Medicine Edition: 6
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Medical Physiology Principles for Clinical Medicine Edition: 6

ISBN: 9781975160432
78,00 €
Τιμή πώλησης με έκπτωση
70,20 €
Με Φ.Π.Α.
Έτος Έκδοσης

Διαθεσιμότητα: Άμεση παραλαβή / Παράδoση 1 έως 3 ημέρες


Delivering the most up-to-date information available in a rich, engaging presentation, Medical Physiology: Principles for Clinical Medicine, 6th Edition,
instills a complete understanding of physiology essential to effective
clinical practice. This robust text not only details how the human body
reacts to internal and external changes but also provides a deep
understanding of how physiologic systems coordinate to maintain optimal
health, as well as the involvement of altered functions in disease
Extensively updated throughout and fully aligned with
today’s medical curriculum, the 6th Edition emphasizes the physiologic
principles key to understanding human function, places them in their
fundamental context in clinical medicine, and provides opportunities for
student self-directed and team-based learning through case studies,
clinical application exercises, and board-style review questions.
  • NEW! Physiology of Aging and Organ Function chapter details the impact of aging on the body as it relates to human function.
  • New and revised content
    throughout familiarizes you with the latest perspectives on
    cardiovascular physiology, neuromuscular physiology, gastrointestinal
    physiology, endocrine physiology, exercise physiology, and more.
  • Updated USMLE-style review questions with answers provide valuable self-assessment and board exam prep.
  • Clinical Focus essays clarify how and where physiology relates to clinical medicine and diagnosis. 
  • Integrated Medical Sciences essays alert you to important connections between physiology and other basic sciences.
  • Clinical Applications exercises offer practice applying clinical knowledge and solving problems.
  • Conceptual diagrams strengthen comprehension of difficult concepts and present both normal and abnormal clinical conditions.
  • Active Learning Objectives, Chapter Summaries, and full-color artwork and tables make learning engaging and efficient.
  • Additional online resources
    provide instant access to animations, additional review questions,
    additional clinical application exercises, advanced clinical
    problem-solving exercises, and suggested readings.
Rodney A. Rhoades, David R. Bell
Wolters Kluwer
Αγγλική Έκδοση
Έτος Έκδοσης
Μαλακό Εξώφυλλο
  • Μεταφορές - Επιστροφές
  • Αρχεία

Περιγραφή Προϊόντος

Delivering the most up-to-date information available in a rich, engaging presentation, Medical Physiology: Principles for Clinical Medicine, 6th Edition,
instills a complete understanding of physiology essential to effective
clinical practice. This robust text not only details how the human body
reacts to internal and external changes but also provides a deep
understanding of how physiologic systems coordinate to maintain optimal
health, as well as the involvement of altered functions in disease
Extensively updated throughout and fully aligned with
today’s medical curriculum, the 6th Edition emphasizes the physiologic
principles key to understanding human function, places them in their
fundamental context in clinical medicine, and provides opportunities for
student self-directed and team-based learning through case studies,
clinical application exercises, and board-style review questions.
  • NEW! Physiology of Aging and Organ Function chapter details the impact of aging on the body as it relates to human function.
  • New and revised content
    throughout familiarizes you with the latest perspectives on
    cardiovascular physiology, neuromuscular physiology, gastrointestinal
    physiology, endocrine physiology, exercise physiology, and more.
  • Updated USMLE-style review questions with answers provide valuable self-assessment and board exam prep.
  • Clinical Focus essays clarify how and where physiology relates to clinical medicine and diagnosis. 
  • Integrated Medical Sciences essays alert you to important connections between physiology and other basic sciences.
  • Clinical Applications exercises offer practice applying clinical knowledge and solving problems.
  • Conceptual diagrams strengthen comprehension of difficult concepts and present both normal and abnormal clinical conditions.
  • Active Learning Objectives, Chapter Summaries, and full-color artwork and tables make learning engaging and efficient.
  • Additional online resources
    provide instant access to animations, additional review questions,
    additional clinical application exercises, advanced clinical
    problem-solving exercises, and suggested readings.
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Μεταφορές - Επιστροφές



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