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Textbook of Dental Materials
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Textbook of Dental Materials

ISBN: 9789352702664
65,00 €
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58,50 €
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Year of publication

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This book is divided into eight sections: General Properties of Dental Materials, Auxiliary Dental Materials, Impression Materials, Denture Base Materials, Direct and Indirect Restorative Materials, Endodontic and Preventive Materials, and Recent Trends in Dental Materials. Chapter on recent trends in dental materials covers various future materials such as smart materials, biomimetics, zirconia-based materials, use of lasers, nanotechnology, tissue regeneration techniques, and oral cancer detection tests amongst various other materials. Each chapter has classification and clinical significance highlighted in boxes for better understanding. At the end of each chapter, a section is dedicated to \'Test Yourself\' which includes multiple choice questions, long questions and short notes which will help students to prepare for various university examinations. Enriched with numerous tables, pictures, line diagrams, and flowcharts to simplify the concepts. Contains glossary at the end of the book, which covers all the commonly used key terms. Includes \'Quick Revision Chart\' which includes various materials which are commonly asked in examination for quick revision before the final examination. Additionally, online resources for both students and instructors are provided along with this book in the form of multiple choice questions including image-based questions, and PowerPoint presentations respectively. Useful for dental graduates, dental hygienists and dental technicians, and as a ready reference for postgraduates and clinicians. show more
Vijay Prakash, Ruchi Gupta
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers
Year of publication
216 x 279 mm
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This book is divided into eight sections: General Properties of Dental Materials, Auxiliary Dental Materials, Impression Materials, Denture Base Materials, Direct and Indirect Restorative Materials, Endodontic and Preventive Materials, and Recent Trends in Dental Materials. Chapter on recent trends in dental materials covers various future materials such as smart materials, biomimetics, zirconia-based materials, use of lasers, nanotechnology, tissue regeneration techniques, and oral cancer detection tests amongst various other materials. Each chapter has classification and clinical significance highlighted in boxes for better understanding. At the end of each chapter, a section is dedicated to \'Test Yourself\' which includes multiple choice questions, long questions and short notes which will help students to prepare for various university examinations. Enriched with numerous tables, pictures, line diagrams, and flowcharts to simplify the concepts. Contains glossary at the end of the book, which covers all the commonly used key terms. Includes \'Quick Revision Chart\' which includes various materials which are commonly asked in examination for quick revision before the final examination. Additionally, online resources for both students and instructors are provided along with this book in the form of multiple choice questions including image-based questions, and PowerPoint presentations respectively. Useful for dental graduates, dental hygienists and dental technicians, and as a ready reference for postgraduates and clinicians. show more

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