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Fundamentals of Aquatic Veterinary Medicine
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Fundamentals of Aquatic Veterinary Medicine

ISBN: 9781119612704
130,00 €
Τιμή πώλησης με έκπτωση
117,00 €
Με Φ.Π.Α.
Έτος Έκδοσης

here rest Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας / Διαθέσιμο σε 20 - 25 ημέρες


Fundamentals of Aquatic Veterinary Medicine

Covers the competencies necessary to assure the highest quality of aquatic veterinary services

of Aquatic Veterinary Medicine provides systematic, highly practical
guidance on the treatment of aquatic mammals, amphibians, fish, and
invertebrates in veterinary practice.

Mapping to each of the
nine core areas of the WAVMA Certified Aquatic Veterinarian (CertAqV)
Program, this comprehensive clinical reference covers taxonomy, anatomy
and physiology of aquatic species, water quality and life support
systems, diagnostics, treatment, and prevention of aquatic diseases, and
more. Designed to help readers acquire and demonstrate the necessary
knowledge, skills, and experience to be competent in aquatic veterinary
medicine, this authoritative guide:

  • Focuses on “Day One” competencies outlined by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE)
  • Covers pathobiology and epidemiology of aquatic diseases, public health,zoonotic diseases, and seafood safety
  • Provides up-to-date information on relevant legislation, regulations, and policies

Fundamentals of Aquatic Veterinary Medicine
is a must-have reference and review guide for veterinary students and
practitioners interested in practicing aquatic veterinary medicine, as
well as for aquatic veterinarians looking to become WAVMA certified or
wanting to acquire OIE “Day One” competency.

Laura Urdes
John Wiley & Sons
Αγγλική Έκδοση
Έτος Έκδοσης
Μαλακό Εξώφυλλο
  • Μεταφορές - Επιστροφές
  • Αρχεία

Περιγραφή Προϊόντος

Fundamentals of Aquatic Veterinary Medicine

Covers the competencies necessary to assure the highest quality of aquatic veterinary services

of Aquatic Veterinary Medicine provides systematic, highly practical
guidance on the treatment of aquatic mammals, amphibians, fish, and
invertebrates in veterinary practice.

Mapping to each of the
nine core areas of the WAVMA Certified Aquatic Veterinarian (CertAqV)
Program, this comprehensive clinical reference covers taxonomy, anatomy
and physiology of aquatic species, water quality and life support
systems, diagnostics, treatment, and prevention of aquatic diseases, and
more. Designed to help readers acquire and demonstrate the necessary
knowledge, skills, and experience to be competent in aquatic veterinary
medicine, this authoritative guide:

  • Focuses on “Day One” competencies outlined by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE)
  • Covers pathobiology and epidemiology of aquatic diseases, public health,zoonotic diseases, and seafood safety
  • Provides up-to-date information on relevant legislation, regulations, and policies

Fundamentals of Aquatic Veterinary Medicine
is a must-have reference and review guide for veterinary students and
practitioners interested in practicing aquatic veterinary medicine, as
well as for aquatic veterinarians looking to become WAVMA certified or
wanting to acquire OIE “Day One” competency.

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Μεταφορές - Επιστροφές



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