Fundamentals of Laboratory Animal Science, 1st Edition
Laboratory animals are becoming
increasingly important for biomedical research. It is said that
approximately 70% of biomedical research is associated with the use of
experimental animals. Laboratory animal research not only expands our
knowledge of science, but also greatly improves human and animal health.
The field of laboratory animal science is ever-growing and changing as
new experimental techniques are developed and new animal models are
It is essential to know not only the biological
features of each laboratory animal but also how to use and care for them
responsibly in order to perform high-quality experiments. Courses in
beginning Laboratory Animal Science are starting to be offered in many
universities throughout the world. However, a practical introductory
textbook that contains state-of-the-art techniques is still lacking.
Fundamentals of Laboratory Animal Science
provides comprehensive information on the principles and practices of
using laboratory animals for biomedical research. Each individual
chapter focuses on a key sub-discipline of laboratory animal science:
animal welfare and best humane care practices in the laboratory; the
quality control of laboratory animals; the anatomy, physiology, and
husbandry of commonly used species; the principles of creating and using
animal models for studying human diseases; practical techniques used
for laboratory animal experiments; experimental design; and animal
experimentation management. Knowledge of this broad spectrum of concepts
and skills will ensure research goes smoothly while greatly reducing
animal pain and distress.
Well-illustrated and
thoroughly referenced, this book will serve not only as a standard
textbook but also as a handy guide for veterinarians, researchers,
animal care staff, administrators, and other professionals who are
involved in laboratory animal science.
- Μεταφορές - Επιστροφές
- Αρχεία
Περιγραφή Προϊόντος
Laboratory animals are becoming
increasingly important for biomedical research. It is said that
approximately 70% of biomedical research is associated with the use of
experimental animals. Laboratory animal research not only expands our
knowledge of science, but also greatly improves human and animal health.
The field of laboratory animal science is ever-growing and changing as
new experimental techniques are developed and new animal models are
It is essential to know not only the biological
features of each laboratory animal but also how to use and care for them
responsibly in order to perform high-quality experiments. Courses in
beginning Laboratory Animal Science are starting to be offered in many
universities throughout the world. However, a practical introductory
textbook that contains state-of-the-art techniques is still lacking.
Fundamentals of Laboratory Animal Science
provides comprehensive information on the principles and practices of
using laboratory animals for biomedical research. Each individual
chapter focuses on a key sub-discipline of laboratory animal science:
animal welfare and best humane care practices in the laboratory; the
quality control of laboratory animals; the anatomy, physiology, and
husbandry of commonly used species; the principles of creating and using
animal models for studying human diseases; practical techniques used
for laboratory animal experiments; experimental design; and animal
experimentation management. Knowledge of this broad spectrum of concepts
and skills will ensure research goes smoothly while greatly reducing
animal pain and distress.
Well-illustrated and
thoroughly referenced, this book will serve not only as a standard
textbook but also as a handy guide for veterinarians, researchers,
animal care staff, administrators, and other professionals who are
involved in laboratory animal science.
Μεταφορές - Επιστροφές
Στόχος μας είναι να εξασφαλίσουμε την απόλυτη ικανοποίησή σας. Αν για οποιονδήποτε λόγω, δεν μείνετε ευχαριστημένοι από την παραγγελία σας, μπορείτε να ασκήσετε το δικαίωμά σας να επιστρέψετε μέρος ή όλα τα προϊόντα που αγοράσατε εντός δεκατεσσάρων (14) ημερών από την ημερομηνία παραλαβής. Αν δεν υπάρχει διαθέσιμο
το ανάλογο προϊόν που επιθυμείτε, το ποσό διαφοράς που προκύπτει διατηρείται στον λογαριασμό σας για να το χρησιμοποιήσετε για μία άλλη αγορά. Θα γίνεται αποδεκτή μόνο η επιστροφή των προϊόντων που βρίσκονται σε άριστη κατάσταση. Παρακαλώ, σημειώστε ότι η αποστολή του μη επιθυμητού προϊόντος γίνεται με εταιρεία courier με χρέωση της εταιρίας μας. Η αποστολή του νέου προϊόντος γίνεται μέσω εταιρεία courier με χρέωση πελάτη.
Στην περίπτωση που λάβετε ένα ελαττωματικό ή κατεστραμμένο προϊόν το βιβλιοπωλείο μας θα καταβάλλει κάθε προσπάθεια για να αντικατασταθεί με ένα ίδιο ή παρόμοιο προϊόν χωρίς κάποιο επιπλέον κόστος για σας.
Παρακαλούμε επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας με e-mail στο ή στο 2310212212 για περαιτέρω διευκρινήσεις.