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King`s Applied Anatomy of the Abdomen and Pelvis of Domestic Mammals
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King`s Applied Anatomy of the Abdomen and Pelvis of Domestic Mammals

ISBN: 9781119574576
90,00 €
Τιμή πώλησης με έκπτωση
81,00 €
Με Φ.Π.Α.
Έτος Έκδοσης

Διαθεσιμότητα: Άμεση παραλαβή / Παράδoση 1 έως 3 ημέρες


Discover a unique approach of combining
descriptive anatomy with clinical information on the abdomen and pelvis
of domestic mammals

King’s Applied Anatomy of the Abdomen and Pelvis of the Domestic Mammals
delivers a thorough and accessible exploration of the abdominal and
pelvic anatomy of domestic animals in a clinically relevant style.

as a refresher for veterinary students beginning to engage in clinical
procedures, the book uses clinical illustration to teach the essential
principles of how the abdomen and pelvis of domestic mammals are
constructed. It
covers core topics such as:

  • Thorough introductions to the body wall, the mesenteries and ligaments of the abdomen and pelvis, and the gastrointestinal tract
  • Explorations of the liver and the pancreas, the spleen and abdominal lymphatics, and the biology of digestion
  • Practical discussions of the autonomic and somatic nerves of the abdomen and pelvis and the male and female reproductive organs
  • Treatments of laparotomy and diagnostic imaging of the abdomen and pelvis

Perfect for veterinary students studying anatomy, King’s Applied Anatomy of the Abdomen and Pelvis of the Domestic Mammals
will also be useful to practicing veterinary practitioners, students of
veterinary nursing, and people studying animal science and related

Geoff Skerritt
John Wiley & Sons
Αγγλική Έκδοση
Έτος Έκδοσης
Μαλακό Εξώφυλλο
  • Μεταφορές - Επιστροφές
  • Αρχεία

Περιγραφή Προϊόντος

Discover a unique approach of combining
descriptive anatomy with clinical information on the abdomen and pelvis
of domestic mammals

King’s Applied Anatomy of the Abdomen and Pelvis of the Domestic Mammals
delivers a thorough and accessible exploration of the abdominal and
pelvic anatomy of domestic animals in a clinically relevant style.

as a refresher for veterinary students beginning to engage in clinical
procedures, the book uses clinical illustration to teach the essential
principles of how the abdomen and pelvis of domestic mammals are
constructed. It
covers core topics such as:

  • Thorough introductions to the body wall, the mesenteries and ligaments of the abdomen and pelvis, and the gastrointestinal tract
  • Explorations of the liver and the pancreas, the spleen and abdominal lymphatics, and the biology of digestion
  • Practical discussions of the autonomic and somatic nerves of the abdomen and pelvis and the male and female reproductive organs
  • Treatments of laparotomy and diagnostic imaging of the abdomen and pelvis

Perfect for veterinary students studying anatomy, King’s Applied Anatomy of the Abdomen and Pelvis of the Domestic Mammals
will also be useful to practicing veterinary practitioners, students of
veterinary nursing, and people studying animal science and related

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Μεταφορές - Επιστροφές



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Στην περίπτωση που λάβετε ένα ελαττωματικό ή κατεστραμμένο προϊόν το βιβλιοπωλείο μας θα καταβάλλει κάθε προσπάθεια για να αντικατασταθεί με ένα ίδιο ή παρόμοιο προϊόν χωρίς κάποιο επιπλέον κόστος για σας.
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