Sheep, Goat, and Cervid Medicine, 3rd Edition
Get practical answers from the only guide on the care of sheep, goats, and cervids! Authoritative yet easy to read, Sheep, Goat and Cervid Medicine, 3rd Edition covers
all the latest advances in the field, including diseases and medical
treatment, surgery, pain management, theriogenology, and nutrition.
Clear instructions and hundreds of full-color photographs guide you step
by step through common procedures including restraint for examination,
administration of drugs, blood collection, and grooming. New to this
edition is coverage of deer and elk medicine, reflecting the growing
interest in these ruminants. Written by an expert team led by Dr. D.G.
Pugh, this comprehensive reference is ideal for veterinarians and also
for owners of sheep and goats.
- Clear writing style and consistent organization
makes the book easy to understand and use, with disease chapters
including pathogenesis, clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment, and
prevention. - Coverage of both surgery and medicine in each body systems chapter makes it easier to choose between treatment options for specific disorders.
- Superbly illustrated surgical procedures clearly demonstrate the steps to follow in performing medical and reproductive surgery.
- Diverse, expert contributors
include the most experienced authorities, each providing current
information on the care of valuable breeding stock as well as pets. - Useful appendixes, now including veterinary feed directives, offer convenient access to information on drugs and drug dosages, fluid therapy, and normal values and conversions.
- Consistent, logical format in each body systems chapter
makes information easy to find by beginning with physical examination
and diagnostic procedures, followed by discussions of common diseases
that involve the system. - Comprehensive Feeding and Nutrition chapter covers diet evaluation, method of balancing rations, total parenteral nutrition, and examples of nutritious diets.
- Explanation of the differences in normal behavior between sheep and goats shows how they are not the same, and require different methods of treatment.
- NEW! Coverage of cervids has been added to chapters throughout the book, reflecting the growing popularity of deer and elk.
- NEW! Thorough content updates are made throughout the book and reflect the latest research evidence.
- NEW! 170 new clinical photos have been added.
- NEW! Anesthesia and Pain Management chapter includes a new section on pain management strategies, reflecting the emphasis on controlling pain in small ruminants.
- NEW! Expert Consult website offers an online version of the book, making it easy to search the entire book electronically.
- NEW! Two new authors are respected and well-known veterinary medicine experts and educators: Dr. Misty Edmondson and Dr. Thomas Passler.
- Μεταφορές - Επιστροφές
- Αρχεία
Περιγραφή Προϊόντος
Get practical answers from the only guide on the care of sheep, goats, and cervids! Authoritative yet easy to read, Sheep, Goat and Cervid Medicine, 3rd Edition covers
all the latest advances in the field, including diseases and medical
treatment, surgery, pain management, theriogenology, and nutrition.
Clear instructions and hundreds of full-color photographs guide you step
by step through common procedures including restraint for examination,
administration of drugs, blood collection, and grooming. New to this
edition is coverage of deer and elk medicine, reflecting the growing
interest in these ruminants. Written by an expert team led by Dr. D.G.
Pugh, this comprehensive reference is ideal for veterinarians and also
for owners of sheep and goats.
- Clear writing style and consistent organization
makes the book easy to understand and use, with disease chapters
including pathogenesis, clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment, and
prevention. - Coverage of both surgery and medicine in each body systems chapter makes it easier to choose between treatment options for specific disorders.
- Superbly illustrated surgical procedures clearly demonstrate the steps to follow in performing medical and reproductive surgery.
- Diverse, expert contributors
include the most experienced authorities, each providing current
information on the care of valuable breeding stock as well as pets. - Useful appendixes, now including veterinary feed directives, offer convenient access to information on drugs and drug dosages, fluid therapy, and normal values and conversions.
- Consistent, logical format in each body systems chapter
makes information easy to find by beginning with physical examination
and diagnostic procedures, followed by discussions of common diseases
that involve the system. - Comprehensive Feeding and Nutrition chapter covers diet evaluation, method of balancing rations, total parenteral nutrition, and examples of nutritious diets.
- Explanation of the differences in normal behavior between sheep and goats shows how they are not the same, and require different methods of treatment.
- NEW! Coverage of cervids has been added to chapters throughout the book, reflecting the growing popularity of deer and elk.
- NEW! Thorough content updates are made throughout the book and reflect the latest research evidence.
- NEW! 170 new clinical photos have been added.
- NEW! Anesthesia and Pain Management chapter includes a new section on pain management strategies, reflecting the emphasis on controlling pain in small ruminants.
- NEW! Expert Consult website offers an online version of the book, making it easy to search the entire book electronically.
- NEW! Two new authors are respected and well-known veterinary medicine experts and educators: Dr. Misty Edmondson and Dr. Thomas Passler.
Μεταφορές - Επιστροφές
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Στην περίπτωση που λάβετε ένα ελαττωματικό ή κατεστραμμένο προϊόν το βιβλιοπωλείο μας θα καταβάλλει κάθε προσπάθεια για να αντικατασταθεί με ένα ίδιο ή παρόμοιο προϊόν χωρίς κάποιο επιπλέον κόστος για σας.
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