Veterinary Arthroscopy for the Small Animal Practitioner
scover the clinical applications of small animal arthroscopy with this comprehensive guide from a leading veterinary surgeon
Veterinary Arthroscopy for the Small Animal Practitioner
delivers a practical guide to all aspects of veterinary arthroscopy for
small mammals. The book covers the anatomy, techniques, joint
pathology, and operative procedures of arthroscopy.
The book
includes a foundational introduction to basic tenets for veterinarians
just beginning to use arthroscopy in their work as well as reference
images for joint pathology useful to experienced practitioners. Nearly
1000 images are included in the reference, each of which illustrate one
or more aspects of specific arthroscopic findings.
Veterinary Arthroscopy for the Small Animal Practitioner
draws on the author\'s 35 years of clinical arthroscopic experience and
offers a thorough examination of small animal arthroscopy. The book
serves as a powerful demonstration of the centrality, practicality,
utility, and necessity of arthroscopic veterinary procedures. Readers
will also benefit from topics like:
- A comprehensive
introduction to, and discussion of, instrumentation, including
arthroscopes, sheaths and cannulas, hand instruments, power equipment,
video systems, and fluid management systems - An exploration of general technique, including anesthesia, patient support, pain management, and postoperative care
- Multiple
chapters cover the six most commonly examined joints, including
shoulders, elbows, radiocarpal joints, hips, stifles, and the
tibiotarsal joints - Treatment of common conditions diagnosed with arthroscopy
- Discussion of common problems and complications seen with arthroscopy in small animal practice
Ideal for veterinary orthopedic surgeons and general veterinary practitioners, Veterinary Arthroscopy for the Small Animal Practitioner
also belongs on the bookshelves of veterinary surgery residents and
veterinary students seeking to improve their understanding of small
animal arthroscopic surgery, pathology, anatomy, and techniques.
From the Back Cover
Discover the clinical applications of small animal arthroscopy with this comprehensive guide from a leading veterinary surgeon
Veterinary Arthroscopy for the Small Animal Practitioner
delivers a practical guide to all aspects of veterinary arthroscopy for
small mammals. The book covers the anatomy, techniques, joint
pathology, and operative procedures of arthroscopy.
The book
includes a foundational introduction to basic tenets for veterinarians
just beginning to use arthroscopy in their work as well as reference
images for joint pathology useful to experienced practitioners. Nearly
1000 images are included in the reference, each of which illustrate one
or more aspects of specific arthroscopic findings.
Veterinary Arthroscopy for the Small Animal Practitioner
draws on the author\'s 35 years of clinical arthroscopic experience and
offers a thorough examination of small animal arthroscopy. The book
serves as a powerful demonstration of the centrality, practicality,
utility, and necessity of arthroscopic veterinary procedures. Readers
will also benefit from topics like:
- A comprehensive
introduction to, and discussion of, instrumentation, including
arthroscopes, sheaths and cannulas, hand instruments, power equipment,
video systems, and fluid management systems - An exploration of general technique, including anesthesia, patient support, pain management, and postoperative care
- Multiple
chapters cover the six most commonly examined joints, including
shoulders, elbows, radiocarpal joints, hips, stifles, and the
tibiotarsal joints - Treatment of common conditions diagnosed with arthroscopy
- Discussion of common problems and complications seen with arthroscopy in small animal practice
Ideal for veterinary orthopedic surgeons and general veterinary practitioners, Veterinary Arthroscopy for the Small Animal Practitioner
also belongs on the bookshelves of veterinary surgery residents and
veterinary students seeking to improve their understanding of small
animal arthroscopic surgery, pathology, anatomy, and techniques.
- Μεταφορές - Επιστροφές
- Αρχεία
Περιγραφή Προϊόντος
scover the clinical applications of small animal arthroscopy with this comprehensive guide from a leading veterinary surgeon
Veterinary Arthroscopy for the Small Animal Practitioner
delivers a practical guide to all aspects of veterinary arthroscopy for
small mammals. The book covers the anatomy, techniques, joint
pathology, and operative procedures of arthroscopy.
The book
includes a foundational introduction to basic tenets for veterinarians
just beginning to use arthroscopy in their work as well as reference
images for joint pathology useful to experienced practitioners. Nearly
1000 images are included in the reference, each of which illustrate one
or more aspects of specific arthroscopic findings.
Veterinary Arthroscopy for the Small Animal Practitioner
draws on the author\'s 35 years of clinical arthroscopic experience and
offers a thorough examination of small animal arthroscopy. The book
serves as a powerful demonstration of the centrality, practicality,
utility, and necessity of arthroscopic veterinary procedures. Readers
will also benefit from topics like:
- A comprehensive
introduction to, and discussion of, instrumentation, including
arthroscopes, sheaths and cannulas, hand instruments, power equipment,
video systems, and fluid management systems - An exploration of general technique, including anesthesia, patient support, pain management, and postoperative care
- Multiple
chapters cover the six most commonly examined joints, including
shoulders, elbows, radiocarpal joints, hips, stifles, and the
tibiotarsal joints - Treatment of common conditions diagnosed with arthroscopy
- Discussion of common problems and complications seen with arthroscopy in small animal practice
Ideal for veterinary orthopedic surgeons and general veterinary practitioners, Veterinary Arthroscopy for the Small Animal Practitioner
also belongs on the bookshelves of veterinary surgery residents and
veterinary students seeking to improve their understanding of small
animal arthroscopic surgery, pathology, anatomy, and techniques.
From the Back Cover
Discover the clinical applications of small animal arthroscopy with this comprehensive guide from a leading veterinary surgeon
Veterinary Arthroscopy for the Small Animal Practitioner
delivers a practical guide to all aspects of veterinary arthroscopy for
small mammals. The book covers the anatomy, techniques, joint
pathology, and operative procedures of arthroscopy.
The book
includes a foundational introduction to basic tenets for veterinarians
just beginning to use arthroscopy in their work as well as reference
images for joint pathology useful to experienced practitioners. Nearly
1000 images are included in the reference, each of which illustrate one
or more aspects of specific arthroscopic findings.
Veterinary Arthroscopy for the Small Animal Practitioner
draws on the author\'s 35 years of clinical arthroscopic experience and
offers a thorough examination of small animal arthroscopy. The book
serves as a powerful demonstration of the centrality, practicality,
utility, and necessity of arthroscopic veterinary procedures. Readers
will also benefit from topics like:
- A comprehensive
introduction to, and discussion of, instrumentation, including
arthroscopes, sheaths and cannulas, hand instruments, power equipment,
video systems, and fluid management systems - An exploration of general technique, including anesthesia, patient support, pain management, and postoperative care
- Multiple
chapters cover the six most commonly examined joints, including
shoulders, elbows, radiocarpal joints, hips, stifles, and the
tibiotarsal joints - Treatment of common conditions diagnosed with arthroscopy
- Discussion of common problems and complications seen with arthroscopy in small animal practice
Ideal for veterinary orthopedic surgeons and general veterinary practitioners, Veterinary Arthroscopy for the Small Animal Practitioner
also belongs on the bookshelves of veterinary surgery residents and
veterinary students seeking to improve their understanding of small
animal arthroscopic surgery, pathology, anatomy, and techniques.
Μεταφορές - Επιστροφές
Στόχος μας είναι να εξασφαλίσουμε την απόλυτη ικανοποίησή σας. Αν για οποιονδήποτε λόγω, δεν μείνετε ευχαριστημένοι από την παραγγελία σας, μπορείτε να ασκήσετε το δικαίωμά σας να επιστρέψετε μέρος ή όλα τα προϊόντα που αγοράσατε εντός δεκατεσσάρων (14) ημερών από την ημερομηνία παραλαβής. Αν δεν υπάρχει διαθέσιμο
το ανάλογο προϊόν που επιθυμείτε, το ποσό διαφοράς που προκύπτει διατηρείται στον λογαριασμό σας για να το χρησιμοποιήσετε για μία άλλη αγορά. Θα γίνεται αποδεκτή μόνο η επιστροφή των προϊόντων που βρίσκονται σε άριστη κατάσταση. Παρακαλώ, σημειώστε ότι η αποστολή του μη επιθυμητού προϊόντος γίνεται με εταιρεία courier με χρέωση της εταιρίας μας. Η αποστολή του νέου προϊόντος γίνεται μέσω εταιρεία courier με χρέωση πελάτη.
Στην περίπτωση που λάβετε ένα ελαττωματικό ή κατεστραμμένο προϊόν το βιβλιοπωλείο μας θα καταβάλλει κάθε προσπάθεια για να αντικατασταθεί με ένα ίδιο ή παρόμοιο προϊόν χωρίς κάποιο επιπλέον κόστος για σας.
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