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Endodontics, 2 Volume Set, 1st Edition Endodontics, 2 Volume Set, 1st Edition
Endodontics, 2 Volume Set, 1st Edition
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Endodontics, 2 Volume Set, 1st Edition

ISBN: 9781957260051
350,00 €
Τιμή πώλησης με έκπτωση
315,00 €
Με Φ.Π.Α.
Έτος Έκδοσης

Διαθεσιμότητα: Άμεση παραλαβή / Παράδoση 1 έως 3 ημέρες


The 2022 edition of Endodontics is a masterpiece. The book captures
the endodontics of the past, the endodontics of now, its trends, and the
endodontics of the future. Illustrates the changes in endodontic
technologies: from evolutionary history to the preparation of a correct
access cavity, cleaning and shaping and 3D filling, from
interdisciplinary endodontics to post-endodontic restoration, no detail
comes up omitted in describing treatment methods necessary for clinical
success. Volume I sets the stage by laying the foundation of the
endodontic discipline and enables the reader to understand literally
every current endodontic Cleaning and Shaping method with superb
illustrations covering every technique detail. Volume II shows the
Obturation method and focus into what matters in endodontics complete in
a way that the reader can easily grasp and immediately apply to their
practice. Diagnosis, cleansing and shaping and, subsequently, the
threedimensional obturation of the root canals are the most critical
aspects of endodontics. The chapters dedicated to these topics are
exhaustive as well as the chapter on endoparodontal relationships and on
the influence that the two pathologies have on each other. The
orthograde and surgical retreatments chapters make the text still more
current and practical, as well as the new chapters on three-dimensional
radiology and on pulp regeneration. The work is also completed by 77
videos presenting clinical cases very significant available on


  • The book brings the world’s most
    prominent endodontic teachers under one roof, with one vision, and one
    source, and with one purpose: to know the status quo of endodontic
    knowledge and engage the reader.

  • It includes contributions of: K.A. Coury, M. Scianamblo, J. Stropko,
    West, JC. Ruddle, J. Webber, O. Peters, A. Arias, S. Buchanan, Y.

  • 77 videos accessible via QR code

Arnaldo Castellucci
Αγγλική Έκδοση
Έτος Έκδοσης
Σκληρό Εξώφυλλο
220 x 290 mm
  • Μεταφορές - Επιστροφές
  • Αρχεία

Περιγραφή Προϊόντος

The 2022 edition of Endodontics is a masterpiece. The book captures
the endodontics of the past, the endodontics of now, its trends, and the
endodontics of the future. Illustrates the changes in endodontic
technologies: from evolutionary history to the preparation of a correct
access cavity, cleaning and shaping and 3D filling, from
interdisciplinary endodontics to post-endodontic restoration, no detail
comes up omitted in describing treatment methods necessary for clinical
success. Volume I sets the stage by laying the foundation of the
endodontic discipline and enables the reader to understand literally
every current endodontic Cleaning and Shaping method with superb
illustrations covering every technique detail. Volume II shows the
Obturation method and focus into what matters in endodontics complete in
a way that the reader can easily grasp and immediately apply to their
practice. Diagnosis, cleansing and shaping and, subsequently, the
threedimensional obturation of the root canals are the most critical
aspects of endodontics. The chapters dedicated to these topics are
exhaustive as well as the chapter on endoparodontal relationships and on
the influence that the two pathologies have on each other. The
orthograde and surgical retreatments chapters make the text still more
current and practical, as well as the new chapters on three-dimensional
radiology and on pulp regeneration. The work is also completed by 77
videos presenting clinical cases very significant available on


  • The book brings the world’s most
    prominent endodontic teachers under one roof, with one vision, and one
    source, and with one purpose: to know the status quo of endodontic
    knowledge and engage the reader.

  • It includes contributions of: K.A. Coury, M. Scianamblo, J. Stropko,
    West, JC. Ruddle, J. Webber, O. Peters, A. Arias, S. Buchanan, Y.

  • 77 videos accessible via QR code

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Μεταφορές - Επιστροφές



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το ανάλογο προϊόν που επιθυμείτε, το ποσό διαφοράς που προκύπτει διατηρείται στον λογαριασμό σας για να το χρησιμοποιήσετε για μία άλλη αγορά. Θα γίνεται αποδεκτή μόνο η επιστροφή των προϊόντων που βρίσκονται σε άριστη κατάσταση. Παρακαλώ, σημειώστε ότι η αποστολή του μη επιθυμητού προϊόντος γίνεται με εταιρεία courier με χρέωση της εταιρίας μας. Η αποστολή του νέου προϊόντος γίνεται μέσω εταιρεία courier με χρέωση πελάτη.


Στην περίπτωση που λάβετε ένα ελαττωματικό ή κατεστραμμένο προϊόν το βιβλιοπωλείο μας θα καταβάλλει κάθε προσπάθεια για να αντικατασταθεί με ένα ίδιο ή παρόμοιο προϊόν χωρίς κάποιο επιπλέον κόστος για σας.
Παρακαλούμε επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας με e-mail στο ipokratis@ipokratis.gr ή στο 2310212212 για περαιτέρω διευκρινήσεις.

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