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Implant Prosthodontics Protocols and Techniques for Fixed Implant Restorations
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Implant Prosthodontics Protocols and Techniques for Fixed Implant Restorations

ISBN: 9781647240530
130,00 €
Τιμή πώλησης με έκπτωση
117,00 €
Με Φ.Π.Α.
Έτος Έκδοσης

here rest Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας / Διαθέσιμο σε 15 - 20 ημέρες


This beautiful book was written as a guide for the clinical practice of
restoring implants in partially edentulous patients with fixed
restorations. It provides the essentials of implant prosthodontic
workflows and protocols based on the best available current evidence—and
in stunning fashion too. As an educator, the author has designed the
book so that readers may search for the specific procedure they intend
to perform and have a concise guide on how to properly execute it. Each
chapter provides guidance on selecting an appropriate protocol or
restoration, explains the rationale for the given procedure, and
provides a detailed step-by-step protocol followed by special
considerations and potential complications. Many of the techniques also
feature a QR code linking to a video demonstration of the procedure. To
make the book maximally applicable and remove any erroneous
extrapolation from one system to another, the author has included
directions and photographic demonstrations for three of the major
implant manufacturers—Nobel Biocare, Straumann, and BioHorizons. In
addition, a robust appendix at the back of the book includes checklists
for nearly every procedure in the book; these can be photocopied or
accessed electronically via QR codes for download to ensure that each
step of each procedure is performed properly. All in all, this is the
most attractive and useful book on implant restoration you’ll find.
Schoenbaum Todd R
Quintessence Publishing
Αγγλική Έκδοση
Έτος Έκδοσης
Σκληρό Εξώφυλλο
  • Μεταφορές - Επιστροφές
  • Αρχεία

Περιγραφή Προϊόντος

This beautiful book was written as a guide for the clinical practice of
restoring implants in partially edentulous patients with fixed
restorations. It provides the essentials of implant prosthodontic
workflows and protocols based on the best available current evidence—and
in stunning fashion too. As an educator, the author has designed the
book so that readers may search for the specific procedure they intend
to perform and have a concise guide on how to properly execute it. Each
chapter provides guidance on selecting an appropriate protocol or
restoration, explains the rationale for the given procedure, and
provides a detailed step-by-step protocol followed by special
considerations and potential complications. Many of the techniques also
feature a QR code linking to a video demonstration of the procedure. To
make the book maximally applicable and remove any erroneous
extrapolation from one system to another, the author has included
directions and photographic demonstrations for three of the major
implant manufacturers—Nobel Biocare, Straumann, and BioHorizons. In
addition, a robust appendix at the back of the book includes checklists
for nearly every procedure in the book; these can be photocopied or
accessed electronically via QR codes for download to ensure that each
step of each procedure is performed properly. All in all, this is the
most attractive and useful book on implant restoration you’ll find.
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Μεταφορές - Επιστροφές



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Στην περίπτωση που λάβετε ένα ελαττωματικό ή κατεστραμμένο προϊόν το βιβλιοπωλείο μας θα καταβάλλει κάθε προσπάθεια για να αντικατασταθεί με ένα ίδιο ή παρόμοιο προϊόν χωρίς κάποιο επιπλέον κόστος για σας.
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